Rasberry pi

piCon IoT edge Gateway

Zlahka povižete svoje naprave z oblakom. Raspberry Pi Compute module extension za pametni dom.

The piCon edge gateway is designed to fit into any custom industrial application, such as automation, telecommunications, supervision and monitoring, etc. It is a fully configurable platform so you can setup any custom hardware options on the device. It supports raspberryPi compute module 1, which makes it highly supported by the raspberry comunity and easy to use.


Integrated on piCon Board:

  • 10/100 Ethernet Adapter
  • Dual USB2.0 Host Interface
  • USB/uSD Card Interface
  • USB/UART RS485 (DMX) Interface
  • DALI Interface
  • HDMI Output
  • I2C RTC Real Time Clock with Battery Backup
  • Raspberry Pi Camera Connector
  • Raspberry Pi Display Connector

Modular AddOn Boards:

  • Raspberry Pi 2 HAT Compatible I/O Connector
  • piCon AddOn I/O Connector for custom solutions  I/O boards (CAN, BT, GPS, GSM, short range radio)

External IO board:

  • 12x RELE output
  • 20x digital input
  • 4x analog output (0-10V)
  • 4x analog input (0-10V / 4-20mA)

Dodatne informacije

Raspberry Pi official website


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